The 51 year old Commisioner for Culture and Tourism, a one time Nollywood actor, Richard Mofe Damijo popularly known as RMD has hit hard at ex-model turned blogger, Linda Ikeji over an alleged false story published about him by the blogger.
Linda was said to have posted on her blog that ‘RMD had acquired a 250million naira home in Asaba, Delta state’.
RMD reacted to the gossips saying, "it has been brought to my
attention that one Linda Ikeji character, who I understand is a gossip, has put up a story about my n250m house.

 "Ordinarily, i will never dignify her type with a response. But with the calls, texts and bbms i have received, i'd like to sound a warning to her to desist from fabricating stories about me and get a life”.

"Knowing the worth of a property is not rocket science. And if you find a dignified career path and work hard at it, you will be too busy and successful to spread unfounded lies about people,"
RMD complained aggressively.
Just like the blogger had it dirty with Tonto Dike who regarded her as a ‘failed model’ so also Susan Peter of recent.


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